Smart Workplace | this changes everything

Control your environment, engage your workplace community, offer secure and fully hands-free access to your building. Smart Spaces app allows you to conduct every aspect of your working day, in and around your building, all from your mobile device.

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Smart Building OS | building engagement

Smart Spaces Operating System elevates building intelligence, providing a secure and cloud-based IoT platform that interfaces with the data present within modern building systems.

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Discover how it all began, where we are headed and our commitments to clients and partners.

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Our Story and Achievements


Keep up to date with news & Insights from the smart building – PropTech community.

Blockchain and Swarm Learning to Improve Big Data IoT Security

The Case for ‘Smarter’ HVAC Systems

Smarter Light Systems for Smart Buildings

The Development of Smart Building Operating Systems

What’s next for MQTT | The Gateway to Smart Building Enablement

BACnet & MQTT | The Gateway to Smart Building Enablement

WWDC & iOS 13: What It Means for Smart Spaces

How 5G Will Lead to Smarter Buildings and Cities

5 Smart Buildings From Hollywood That We’d Like To Work In

BAS Control on an Inclusive Platform for Building Communities

More Than Just a Charger: Chargifi’s Smart Building Applications

The Adoption of Smart Home Tech Saving Commercial Property

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